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All Bodies are Summer Bodies

Trigger warning: discussions of body image/weight ; sexual harassment.

We’ve been lucky enough this year to have some hot weather in England! News has also suggested a possible heatwave in the first two weeks of August. England definitely isn’t known for its sunshine, but when it comes out, it can be stifling.

Some of us aren’t as comfortable in short, tight outfits which reveal more of our bodies. Some of us have been made fun of for our bodies, had stigmas attached to them, or been made to feel uncomfortable. Many of us will have had inappropriate comments or touching when wearing tight fitting clothes or shorter skirts.

This is your summer, your body and your choice. If you want to wear cooler clothing then do that! Do not let anyone tell you that your body is not ‘bikini ready’. Here are some tips to feel more comfortable in your clothes this summer:

Inappropriate comments/touching.

Either so-called ‘positive’ comments made through catcalling or grabbing, or insults can be scary and degrading. If this happens, remember that you can reach out and get help. In the moment, make sure to get out of the situation, by getting closer to friends or an open, public space where you’re likely to be safe. If something has happened to you, please do not hesitate to contact us for non-professional advice.

Battling negative comments.

Beauty standards change literally from week to week. A few years ago, people were covering freckles up. Now they’re drawing them onto their faces! Anyone who makes nasty or inappropriate comments concerning the way you’re dressed is either saying them for one of three reasons:

1. Their own insecurities – they don’t feel they can dress like you because they’re not confident

2. Jealousy – that you can dress however you want and look amazing; or

3. Belief – that there is only one beauty standard and every other body is wrong.

Google famous women with your body type.

Comparisons to social media can be really damaging, but whether you feel you’re too skinny or curvy, there’s a lot of stunning women out there with the same body type as you! Rather than cover up, Google how famous people style their clothes to look amazing! You don’t need to copy them, but it might give you a few ideas to feel your most confident! On the opposite side of this, remember that social media is just a fragment of someone's life - it's likely that they've had their own insecurities, no matter how rich and famous they are, or how confident they seem.

If you're still uncomfortable wearing tight clothing, lots of baggier outfits are really flattering, especially when styled with a belt to shape it more, or paired with a slightly tighter top/bottoms. Shorts or trousers made of light cotton material keep you breezy without revealing any more than you want.

You can never please everyone, so you should choose to make yourself feel the best!

You're never going to have the ideal woman's body type for every single person. There’s always going to be someone saying that you’re too skinny or too curvy, no matter what you wear. If you don’t want to wear lighter clothing in the summer then that’s fine, but don’t let someone else tell you not to!

---- Mary Collingridge, Women’s Officer

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