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Coming to Uni With... What I wish I knew

TW: rape, abusive relationship, disability

Starting university was a massive challenge for me, and I was very wary that something bad could easily happen to me because I was in a vulnerable headspace at the time. My dada had passed away, I was just coming out of an abusive relationship, and I have a traumatic brain injury on top of that, so I was scared to have independence. University comes with a lot of responsibility placed upon your shoulders so I wanted to share some advice so you can start your university experience in the best possible way!!

Try not to come to university with expectations how life will be because this will only lead to disappointment. Trust me, freshers week is definitely not all that it is made out to be! The first term of university is difficult for the majority of first year since it is all about socialising, getting organised, and also trying to overcome any past traumas – which I had a lot of! My biggest advice for anyone starting university is to not care what other people will think of you.

If your gut feeling is telling you to socialise with a group of people or another student, go to the club or pub, and join a society then go ahead! But if you do not feel like it, that's okay too! Do not try to be a person you are not because it will only end in sadness. I got raped in the first term of first year of university because I spent time with a ‘friend’ whose intentions were to take advantage of me. My advice for starting university is to be yourself and do what you want to do. Don’t worry what other people will say and think because it is your own happiness that should always come first.

I wish It Happens Here was set up when I joined university. This past year they have helped me confront the university and CRASAC for how I was treated, and I am eternally grateful. I really think if I was to join Warwick university again, I would absolutely have joined It Happens Here because they have really helped me to feel less alone and get on the road to recovery for my severe rape PTSD. I hope your first year will be great, and I send my wishes and hugs that it will go amazing. Don’t worry if things do go wrong, I will always be a friend to message on Instagram, and I know It Happens Here will also be open to messages at any time too.

---- Annelise Hill, Guest Blogger


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